Monster Lands Update
I have to be real guys, while I don’t regret working on Monster Lands or anything, it now feels like more of a learning experience/stepping stone than a webcomic I want to resume. Just don’t want anyone to get too disappointed.
The site will remain up because I know it had some fans, but I didn’t make it for money. It was a passion project, and that passion has cooled. I started Monster Lands in college, over 8 years ago, and while I write out each individual chapter in advance before I start them and have a general outline for the endgame story planned, it’s definitely something that, with hindsight, I would have tried to write completely from start to finish if I could do it all again, like I did with Puffer and Clarissa… I also would have thumbnailed every page before starting, like I did with Puffer and Clarissa(amazing what happens when you apply new knowledge to a new project). And that’s the thing, there were structural concerns with the project from the start because I was still an amateur, now the story has ballooned to such a point that finishing it would be a massive task when I could simply go finish a shorter story… like I just did.
Also, my life is just different now. I now live in a town where no one I know reads my work, so I’m not energized to make longer stuff anymore. Working on comics is a solitary task. I want to socialize in my 30’s and not spend all of it deconstructing fantasy tropes. I’m an uncle now, so I’d like to make some stories my nephew and niece could potentially read without having to be super-online.
I’ll always like the characters I designed and will still draw them here and there, and once the Puffer and Clarissa Kickstarter is finished I’ll try to clean up this site some and add all the missing images and links. It’s a shame I had to take down the site for a bit due to it getting hacked, as the loss of all the comments really hurt the history of it all. It just looks like a ghost town that no one lived in, sad to say.
Anyways I don’t wanna say Monster Lands is cancelled, maybe in the future the motivation could return and I could make a trillion pages, but that’s a maybe. And at the moment, that is not what I’m feeling. I want to make other things.