A spoiled, childish brat. The empress of evil rules over the Monster Lands with no mercy.
All Eren really wants is to be loved by her subjects, but her behavior kind of prevents that.
Having been trained by Exris, Eren is very powerful when it comes to strength and magic. She is also quite cunning as well. However, her laziness can get the best of her.
A goblin princess who serves Eren Lorry. She's not known for her smarts.
Kersha's competence is... not inspiring. She is good at avoiding execution despite all this.
Somehow the heart of Eren's group despite everyone being annoyed with her.
A sinister salesman who provides an array of security measures to anyone willing to pay up. Monsters, traps, weapons? He's got 'em! ...as long as you don't mind his anti-consumer practices.
Trapmaster is a massive suck-up to his customers, but he treats everyone else like dirt.