A goblin princess who serves Eren Lorry. She's not known for her smarts.
Kersha's competence is... not inspiring. She is good at avoiding execution despite all this.
Somehow the heart of Eren's group despite everyone being annoyed with her.
A shameless, misanthropic scammer, Marcus is able to get close to people in order to screw them over big time.
Marcus has no magical or physical abilities and is completely useless in a fight, but that doesn't mean he isn't dangerous.
Marcus is impulsive and doesn't consider the long-term ramifications of his actions.
Everyone loves Nadil, the inspiring freedom fighter! Who's funding her army? Not important!
Nadil is capable and kind, but naive. she has a tendency to misread peoples' intentions.
Ever the optimist, Nadil can be overconfident at times, believing things will go according to plan.